UCM | Where is the beach?

Places availables


Viernes 29 de septiembre a las 12:00h

Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Our coasts and especially our beaches are highly vulnerable to climate change and human intervention. Beaches are very dynamic natural systems and their responses to disturbances are very fast and often irreversible. Half of the world's population lives on the coast and most of the commercial, industrial, tourist and agri-food activities take place there. In turn, the coast is home to some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet... We face the challenge of understanding, conserving and managing these systems. We will get it? Activities with participants will include analysis of satellite images and aerial photos to identify the changes that are occurring on the coast. Also, we will work with models and sedimentary rocks.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
Email: oaigeo@ucm.es
