Beatriz Ramos Solano

Beatriz Ramos Solano

About me

Professor Plant Physiology, (ANECA accreditation). Involved in teaching at the Degrees in Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Biomedical engineering, in Master and Doctoral level (6 PhD thesis). My research area deals with biotechnology and agriculture, with the major goals of increasing crop yield, lowering chemical inputs and increasing food quality, by using beneficial microorganisms and derived molecules to trigger plant metabolism, rather than providing nutrients or chemicals to fight pathogens. As a result of these activities, foods are enriched in bioactive molecules, so human health benefits are consistent. When medicinal plants are studied, these bioactives are the active molecules for medicins, so the scope is extended to pharmacy, not to speak of phytotherapy.

Mother of 3 children, we share our love for outdoor activities. Enjoy life.

More info: - Instagram @poweringplants