Deep tech entrepreneurial projects

Scientists, researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs, etc. may apply. with links to institutions with scientific activity and headquarters in the Community of Madrid (universities, OPIs, hospitals, public and private foundations,...) that carry out their professional activity and want to establish in the Community of Madrid a company with a high degree of innovation based on the scientific knowledge generated.

Institutions with scientific activity linked to the entrepreneurial Projects will be responsible for the economic allocation to the Projects, as well as their justification and may support any projects they consider appropriate within the framework of DeepTech Madrid.

The selected Projects must justify the execution of the maximum aid amounts of €5,000 in accordance with the Program Bases (see the “How to take part?” section).

Deep tech startups

Companies legally established as of January 1, 2016 with registered and tax domicile in the Community of Madrid, with a high degree of innovation and scientific knowledge demonstrated through activities related to intellectual property such as, for example, patents and business models. utility or promoters with a doctorate degree, as well as high growth potential.

The selected Startups must justify the execution of the maximum aid amounts of €20,000 in accordance with the Program Bases (see the “How to take part?” section).