
The Foundation aims to contribute to improving higher education through evaluation reports and other activities, and to achieving quality accreditation and certification in the university area. Moreover, it takes care of the evaluation of performance in public-funded higher education services, through independent procedures and transparent processes, within the Spanish, European and international framework.

In this sense, the Foundation:

  • Will promote transparency, comparison, co-operation and competition in universities.
  • Will stimulate improvement in teaching and research activities.
  • Will provide the necessary information to society to encourage decision-making and excellence as well as student and teacher mobility.
  • There will be an internal public quality assurance system, which includes a mechanism to collect internal and external information about activities, and a continuous evaluation and improvement procedure.
  • At least every five years, with participation of international specialists, there will be a regular external evaluation process of the Foundations itself.


The Foundation's activities are mapped out on a yearly basis in its Action Plan, which may be consulted on this website in the internal quality, evaluation and accreditation, institutional relations and publications sections.

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Normas de uso:

  • Las opiniones vertidas serán responsabilidad de su autor y en ningún caso de,
  • No se admitirán comentarios contrarios a las leyes españolas o buen uso.
  • El administrador podrá eliminar comentarios no apropiados, intentando respetar siempre el derecho a la libertad de expresión.
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