The Madrimasd Knowledge Foundation

A Brief history

In its already lengthy history, the Foundation has contributed effectively to making Science,Technology and Innovation key elements for the region’s competitiveness through theimplementation of specific programmes linking scientific and technological production of the publicand private universities and research institutions present in the region with companies in order toimprove their international competitiveness and with the citizens of Madrid, more aware today thanever before of the role of knowledge in the new global economy.

Madri+d first appeared as a structured programme in 1997 as the pilot activity for one of the regionalprogrammes of the European Commission that has achieved the greatest resonance for thetransformation of Europe. The Regional Innovation Strategies programmes (RIS) have enabled thetransformation of the European regional landscape and the alignment of territories with an economybased on knowledge, creativity and competitiveness.

Once it had demonstrated and consolidated its value as an instrument for regional policy, the MadridRegional Government decided in 2002 to create the Madrimasd Knowledge Foundation alongside.

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