Keys to the Bologna Process
From 1999 to date, the principles of the Process have been reviewed and updated in such a way that 7 key aspects of the European Higher Education Area have been identified following the Yerevan declaration:
- A common three-cycle study structure, based on the qualifications framework of the European Higher Education Area (EQF):
- A common system of study credits, with reference to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) or equivalent system.
- Student and teacher mobility.
- Internationalization of education systems and institutions to improve the international visibility of the European Higher Education Area.
- The development of a European dimension of quality assurance, based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies (EQAR).
- The social dimension, lifelong learning and access to and participation by the actors involved in the EHEA.
- Recognition of periods of study, based on a system of credits and diplomas, in line with the Lisbon Convention.