#11F | Discover what work will be like in the future

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Jueves 8 de febrero a las 11:30h

Colegio Maristas Chamberí


Learn about the changes that are taking place in the labor market on issues that may affect you when you go to work in the future, such as the 4-day workday, the "flextime" and "flexplace" models, universal basic income and others aspects in which innovation is taking place. We investigate it from a legal perspective and we can tell you where we are going (and where we come from). In addition, we will work together in this workshop on what your ideal job should be like tomorrow. This activity of the UC3M is part of a scientific dissemination action “Researchers at schools” of MADRIDNIGHT, a project coordinated by the madri+d Foundation and financed by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Program for research and innovation, under the grant agreement number 101,061,343. InnovaWorking project (GA 101126491). More information: https://www.elforodelabos.es/innovaworking/
