UAM | Earth's Magnetic Field: Irresistible Attraction!

Places availables


Viernes 29 de septiembre desde las 17h hasta las 21h

Plaza Mayor, Campus de Cantoblanco


The activity consists of answering different questions such as: What is the Earth's magnetic field like? How does a compass work? How do rocks record the direction of the field? how can we know the movement of the continents throughout the history of the Earth? It will be observed how the terrestrial magnetic field is, how the field lines are distributed magnetic in two dimensions. Material to observe the geometry of the terrestrial magnetic field: To do this, it is placed in a container transparent a print in the shape of the earth, sprinkled with iron shavings. under the box transparent, a neodymium magnet is placed and by tapping it, the iron shavings are oriented drawing the entry and exit lines of the magnetic field. Some compasses with needles that float in the water are going to be built manually, being magnetized the needles are oriented. Material to make a compass: per group, needle, cork, transparent container, jug of water and printed wind rose and, to work with it, a set of four post-its marking the points cardinals. Printed paleomagnetic scheme. - It will be observed how ferromagnetic minerals align according to the magnetic field in the moment of its formation and remain fixed throughout history, so that in the drift of the continents help us build the polar drift curve. Material to observe the drift of the continents: transparent container, water jug, iberia and others continents printed on paper, syringes or straws to remove the water from the container. Observation of the Curie temperature of ferromagnetic material. How do rocks record field address? Material for the observation of the Curie temperature: A bar fixed to the table and a wire metal to which a clip is attached. A neodymium magnet is held onto the bar so that the clip by magnetic attraction remains attached to the magnet, but when heated with the lighter above the Ta de Curie separate.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00