Elisa Garzo

Elisa Garzo

About me

Research Group
Insects Vector of Plant Pathogen Group (IVPP) at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ICA, CSIC)
About Me
I am a Scientist at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ICA, CSIC), with over 20 years of experience in agricultural entomology and plant pathology. My academic journey began with a degree in Biology, and I started my research career at the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA), where I managed a colony of tiny insects called thrips. This work sparked my connection with the IVPP Group at ICA, where I later completed both my undergraduate degree and PhD. In 2002, I pursued a postdoctoral fellowship at the Laboratory of Entomology at Wageningen University (Netherlands). After returning to Spain, I secured a postdoctoral position and later transitioned to managing the Greenhouse and Climate Chambers Unit at ICA. Despite these responsibilities, my passion for research led me to continue collaborating with the IVPP group. After 12 years, I decided to advance my career further and successfully applied for my current role as a Scientist. In November 2023, I embraced a new challenge by becoming the Technical Deputy Director of ICA. Throughout my career, I have remained deeply committed to scientific outreach, actively engaging in all ICA-organized initiatives.

Research Lines
My research lines include studying the feeding behavior of piercing-sucking insects using the Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) technique, multitrophic interactions among insects, pathogens, plants, and soil microorganisms, plant-insect resistance, and integrated pest management.
Key Achievements
In our laboratory, we specialize in monitoring the feeding behavior of piercing-sucking insects, allowing us to conduct various studies, such as evaluating the effects of insecticides, plant-insect resistance, the impact of biotic and abiotic factors on insect behavior, and investigating the mechanisms of virus transmission by their insect vectors.
I have always been deeply curious about understanding why things happen, and that curiosity still drives me today. I never imagined I would end up working with insects, but now I can't imagine my life without them. They are truly incredible and continue to amaze me every day. The subject of multitrophic interactions is a fascinating world to me. One of my current goals is to understand how plants communicate with each other through symbiosis with soil microorganisms and how they interact with insects and the pathogens they transmit.

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