Andrea Vázquez Rangel

Andrea Vázquez Rangel

About me

Graduated in Biology by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and specialized in Biotechnology, by the same university, and in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics by the European Center for Masters and Postgraduates. Currently, I work as a research laboratory technician in the department of Beneficial Plant-Microorganism Interactions at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ICA-CSIC), where I develop my main activity in the project “Evaluation of strategies based on microbial biodiversity for soil restoration and remediation” (TED2021-132350B-I00). My background has allowed me to specialize in the fields of plant physiology and biotechnology, as well as in microbiology, focusing on the study of the response of plants and soil microorganisms to various abiotic stresses. Regarding my hobbies, I love to travel for cultural purposes, enjoy natural environments and sports. I am also a live music lover.

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