Catalina Santiago Dorrego

Catalina Santiago Dorrego

About me

Graduate in Biology, PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid and Professor of Genetics at the European University of Madrid. She teaches subjects such as Biological Processes I and II in the Physiotherapy degree or Forensic Genetics in the Criminology degree. In addition, she is the principal investigator of the ESBIDA research group (Exercise, Health and Applied Biomarkers). Her main lines of research are: (1) Study of biological markers applied to health and exercise and (2) Genetics and physical activity. She has participated or is participating in more than 45 subsidized projects, of which she appears as principal investigator in 8 of them, participates as author/co-author in more than 90 scientific articles, in 6 book chapters and in more than 60 communications at national and international conferences. She has also directed 7 doctoral theses. Accredited by the ACAP as a Private University Professor and Contracted Professor Doctor; and by the Spanish Association of Human Genetics (AEGH) in Human Genetics. With 3 six-year research periods recognized by the CNEAI of the ANECA.
He has a great interest in understanding the weight of the genetic factor in relation to sports and physical performance, both in athletes and in healthy non-athletic population and with chronic pathology, and in knowing better how to intervene on the modifiable factors of our lifestyle to improve our health.

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