María Luisa Martín de San Pablo Sánchez de Rojas

María Luisa Martín de San Pablo Sánchez de Rojas

About me

Teacher / researcher at the European University of Madrid (UEM). PhD from the University of Castilla La Mancha in the Doctoral Program in Health and Physical Activity Research. Currently professor and coordinator in the Degree of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Director of Doctoral Thesis focused on the analysis of the physical demands of professional soccer and futsal players. She has publications with the two research groups in which she works: DATAFOOT Research Group (UEM) and, previously, Research Group on Management in Organizations and Sports Facilities (IGOID; UCLM). He has contributed to numerous international conferences, as well as participating in different R+D+i projects and reviewing articles for peer-reviewed journals. In addition, she has been PI in Teaching Innovation Projects at the UEM, as well as teaching member in several projects. Active researcher in projects focused on the analysis of performance in the world of soccer and Big Data, as well as the evaluation of the impact of genetics on injuries in athletes.
Her career path is closely linked to sports, as she has been a professional soccer player with Fundación Albacete and futsal team, with Rayo Majadahonda, in the First Division in Spain. She is currently a professional futsal player, so she enjoys traveling to compete and has great skills in the analysis of any type of sport.

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