Esther Pizarro Juanas

Esther Pizarro Juanas

About me

Chair of Sculpture
School of Architecture,Engineering and Design // Creative Campus in Universidad Europea de Madrid.

Esther Pizarro is a visual artist, researcher and Professor at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. Doctor in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has completed her training with several outstanding grants, including the Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant in New York, the grant from the Spanish Academy in Rome, the grant from the College of Spain in Paris and the Fulbright Commission grant in the United States. He has four six-year research fellowships recognized by ANECA. She directs the research group "Creative Ecosystems and BioDesign Lab (EcoBDLab)", attached to the Creative Campus of the European University of Madrid (UEM), where she has been teaching since 2003. Pizarro is affiliated to the Doctoral and Research School (EDI) of the UEM as a Senior Researcher.
Her artistic work has pivoted between personal work, installation and public art. Her recent projects explore the complexity of contemporary society, from the intersection of art, science and technology, visualizing environmental crises. She has participated in more than two hundred exhibitions, obtained fifteen grants and scholarships for artistic production and research, and received twenty awards, mentions and professional distinctions in the artistic field. As a researcher, she is the author of thirty-six scientific and technical publications, has made four presentations at congresses, has collaborated in eighteen scientific and technical committees, and has given forty-five lectures at specialized conferences and courses.

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