CNIO | Meet the scientist, become a scientist!

Full capacity
viernes 27 de septiembre 2024, en 3 sesiones dos horas de duración que se desarrollarán entre 17:00h y 23:00h
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, CNIO. C/Melchor Fernández Almagro 3. 28029 Madrid
Our goal is to show you who we are and the work we do at the CNIO – one of the leading cancer research institutes in the world. This year the Researcher’s Night will take place at CNIO facilities. The activities will start with a group of CNIO students and postdoctoral fellows that will welcome you and tell you about their personal experiences and how they became scientists. Next, we will carry out a DNA extraction experiment and you will be able to visit some “lab stands” with instruments and activities we usually use in our daily work. During the event, you will have the chance to interact, ask questions and enjoy the company of the CNIO researchers that will be carrying out the activities with you.