Christian Arnanz Porras

Christian Arnanz Porras

About me

I am Christian Arnanz Porras, researcher and PhD student of the research group of Basic and Applied Ecology of Continental Aquatic Ecosystems (I-WET), Department of Ecology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. So far, I have researched on the ecological impact of recreational uses in a bathing area of the Lozoya River (Las Presillas) and on the potential for amphibian conservation of watering holes and ponds in the Cañada Real Conquense. Currently, I am developing my doctoral thesis in the framework of the ClimaRiskinPond project, in which our main objective is to create perspectives for the conservation of temporary ponds in peninsular Spain. I am also part of the research team of the AGROAQ project (eLTER PLUS) whose objective is to analyze the differences between the communities of organisms that inhabit livestock troughs, compared to those that inhabit the surrounding ponds. Finally, I also collaborate in the IberRios project, a national collaborative project to explore the impacts of global change on Iberian river biodiversity and ecosystem functions.
I love to hike, climb, ride my bike, and visit rivers and lagoons, always with my camera in hand to capture the small inhabitants of these ecosystems, such as macroinvertebrates and amphibians.

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