Carlos Pesqueira Calvo

Carlos Pesqueira Calvo

About me

Ph.D. Architect from E.T.S.A.M., finalist in the Aguirre Newman/IAZ International Awards for the Architecture Graduation Project.

In 2016, he defended his doctoral thesis, "COLOR IN THE TRANSFIGURATION OF ARCHITECTURAL SPACE: An Empirical Study on Transformation and Configuration Devices," earning the distinction of Sobresaliente Cum Laude.

He has been a guest professor in various workshops and architecture schools and is a member of the research groups Occasional Architectures and Image Innovation and Analysis. Within his own studio, he combines work in architectural design and photography.

Until 2004, he collaborated with Professor Jesús Aparicio. He has been selected for the International Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction and for the JAE Young Architects of Spain Exhibition, showcased in Madrid, New York, Brussels, Stockholm, Paris, Rome, Chicago, Washington, Dallas, Houston, Ithaca, Richmond, Texas, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto, and Porto.

He has won awards in various competitions. His work and photographs have been exhibited and published internationally.

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