Marisol Villalva Abarca

Marisol Villalva Abarca

About me

I have a PhD in Food Science (UAM, 2020), and I have focused my studies on polyphenols, a wide variety of compounds found in the plant kingdom. As a postdoctoral researcher "Margarita Salas" (ICTAN-CSIC) I have been able to participate in a study in humans using the components of cocoa and carob to evaluate their effect on the health of patients with type 2 diabetes. In addition, I have recently joined the INGREEN group (CIAL-UAM+CSIC) to closely study the fascinating world of "mushrooms" and "algae" as sources of beneficial compounds for health and their use as new food ingredients. A mother of two, I could spend my afternoons in a library; there is no better plan than losing a few minutes between pages and stories!

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