Narseo Vallina

Narseo Vallina

About me

My name is Narseo Vallina and I am a Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks. I am also co-founder of AppCensus, a US-based startup focused on privacy and security risk analysis in mobile apps.
Previously, I was a scientist at UC Berkeley, which gave me the opportunity to hike many US nature parks, and I obtained my PhD at Cambridge University.
My group's research areas cover network measurement and digital privacy and security, bringing together legal aspects in data and consumer protection with the more technical ones. Thanks to several of our studies, your Android devices and apps are a little more secure.
My group and I have received several best paper awards at many conferences, prizes from international regulatory agencies for the social impact of our research, and personally I have been awarded the "Young Researchers" medal by the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering in 2023, and a Ramón y Cajal grant, among other awards.
My favourite hobby is spending time in the high mountains all year round, whether climbing, walking, skiing, cycling or simply admiring their magnificence. I am also passionate about history and the space race, I am a music lover and I adore my children. I like football less and less, but I am a loyal fan of the best football team in the world: Sporting de Gijón.

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