Antonia García Fernández

Antonia García Fernández

About me

Bachelor in Chemistry (Analytical) and bachelor´s theses awarded 1st prize, univ. San Pablo CEU. PhD in Chemistry (2003) defended with the highest honors. 27 years of teaching and researching experience in univ. San Pablo CEU. Staff since 1997, in 2009 she was promoted to senior lecturer and in 2021 to Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry at univ. San Pablo CEU. 2020/21 Accredited by ANECA as “Researcher A or exceptional” in Biomedicine and by AQU Catalunya as Advanced Researcher (catedrático). 2022 Accredited by ANECA as catedrático (Full professor). She currently holds in the Area of Analytical Chemistry, within the Pharmacy and Biotechnology degrees. Researcher on chromatography since 1997 with several collaborations with pharmaceutical companies (CINFA, GSK, Alcalá Farma). Since 2007 she has been working on metabolomics based on mass spectrometry (MS) coupled to high-resolution separation techniques always applied to different biological samples, including plasma, serum, urine, cell, culture media, and multiple tissues from clinical and animal studies. In 2008 she was one of the three co-founders of CEMBIO. She has participated in and led projects related to the development of new methodologies for untargeted and targeted metabolomics studies, including targeted chiral analysis of amino acids as well as application of metabolomics to unveil differences among distinct conditions. Since 2013, she has been the head of the metabolomic laboratory at CEMBIO and the secretary of one doctorate program in the CEINDO, CEU International School of Doctorate with 20 students every academic year. Treasurer of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (Madrid Section). Nº of Research Sexennials: 4 (last one 2016-2021). Number of articles in international journals: 100 | h-index (WoS): 39 (2024-06). Besides, at the CEMBIO webpage additional information could be retrieved.

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