David Vicente Zurdo

David Vicente Zurdo

About me

He is currently an Associate Professor Doctor in the area of Analytical Chemistry of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the CEU San Pablo University, integrated within the research group of the Center of Excellence in Metabolomics and Bioanalysis (CEMBIO).

His research work has been focused on evaluating various selenium species, organic molecules and extracts from the food industry as possible drugs in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. These investigations have been funded by 6 competitive national and regional research projects, and have resulted in 15 publications in high impact journals (86% Q1, 21% D1). The results of these works have been taken to 16 congresses both nationally and internationally. He has participated in four competitive innovation projects funded by the UCM. He has been a censor of more than 20 scientific journals indexed in the JCR and guest editor of several of them. He is a member of various scientific societies, among which his role as Vice President of the Technical Section of Teaching of the Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Madrid stands out. He belongs to the Official College of Chemists of Madrid.

With regard to activities carried out outside of work, it is worth highlighting his passion for judo and mountaineering.

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