Fátima Sarasola Rubio

Fátima Sarasola Rubio

About me

Ph.D. in Architecture, Institute of Technology (EPS), University CEU San Pablo in which she has been teaching since 2008 as an Adjunct Professor in Architectural Form Analysis and Life Drawing. Over the years, she has given multiple workshops and specialized courses in Drawing, the results of which have been shown in congresses and conferences on teaching innovation. The work of her students have been exhibited inside and outside the university. 

She is part of the Color Committee of the Spanish Optical Association and since April 2020, she has started a new line of research by joining the GIR "Color language in the Bible", LECOBI of the CEU-San Pablo University, collaborating as a specialist in color theories. She has written several articles in scientific magazines and has given multiple lectures at national and international conferences on architecture, color and plastic artists. Her personal interest in drawing, and in travelling always accompanies her.

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