IdiPAZ joins the BlueCloud Education Network 

IdiPAZ joins the BlueCloud Education Network 

BlueCloud Education Network connects healthcare professionals and organizations needing to access and share healthcare standardization processes, education, technology and professional information for business and compliance purposes.

BlueCloud by HealthCarePoint (HCP), a Texas-based healthcare and clinical research networking technology company and Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research (IdiPAZ) announced its mutual efforts to globally expand access to medical education opportunities. The collaboration involves IdiPAZ helping to modernize sites by using BlueCloud’s global Delivery, Distribution and Implementation (DDI™) mechanisms to ensure site quality assurance and transparency management of professional competencies in over 167 countries with a focus in underdeveloped countries including Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The adherence to newly established standards has been on the rise over the past couple of years due to regulatory requirements in healthcare and clinical research. As a national institution, IdiPAZ has led the way in improving care with standards as their guiding solution to treating stroke in the neuroscience world as well as other therapeutic areas. After scientific research and institutional analysis, the Madrid-DIRECT scale and the modernized version for the PedNIHSS standards of care were developed by IdiPAZ to benefit patients care. The Madrid-Direct scale was developed based on an observational study coordinated by IdiPAZ with the participation of the Madrid Stroke Network (a collaborative system of care promoted by the Madrid Association of Neurology), the Madrid Regional Health System (SERMAS) and the pre-hospital emergency system for the Madrid Region (SUMMA-112). The Madrid-DIRECT scale provides guidance about the suitability for endovascular treatment based on the information obtained from the pre-hospital evaluation and on the needs and organizational aspects of the Community of Madrid. The assessment is necessary due to an international need for paramedics and ER staff to adequately diagnose the severity of stroke patients needed to be sent to comprehensive stroke care facilities in order to avoid increased staff-care overload. Global healthcare and clinical research professionals will further be empowered to utilize the increased number of medical education courses from dozens of institutions who are currently using BlueCloud’s DDI™ mechanisms. With IdiPAZ becoming the newest member of the global BlueCloud network, BlueCloud systems can act as the vehicle for healthcare professionals to opt-in, own and globally share their required credentials and competencies between research sites, research sponsors and other healthcare organizations for business and regulatory requirements, minimizing redundancies, fraud, waste and abuse. 

The focus of this collaboration also involves but not limited to: 1) helping to facilitate the global expansion of Madrid-DIRECT and the Spanish version of PedNIHSS by including them with well-established education standards distributed globally within the BlueCloud Network. 2) IdiPAZ’s staff will also be able to centralize their research accredited courses, competencies and shareable documents within BlueCloud personal accounts and connect with organizations for business and compliance in healthcare and clinical research; 3) Blend globally standardized certification programs like the NIH Stroke Scale, Rankin mRS, C-SSRS and many others, with IdiPAZ education activities, and distribute them to global investigator sites, national and international healthcare organizations, continuing to improve transparency, and human subject protection while following new GDPR Guidelines. 4) Maximize healthcare professionals’ educational opportunities in underdeveloped countries to help sponsors, universities and government organizations standardize patient recruitment and improve inter-rater-reliability in clinical research to ultimately save time, save money and save lives. 5) Provide smart city building BlueCloud DDI™ technologies and approaches to connect local industry stakeholders to the international healthcare and clinical research community for business and compliance purposes. 

"The MADRID-DIRECT is used as a pre-hospital scale for the measurement of the probability of requiring mechanical thrombectomy, developed in close collaboration with the Madrid Stroke network. It allows Emergency Services to refer a patient directly to the corresponding Stroke Center based on clinical examination. Furthermore, a training course of the Spanish version of the PedNIHSS that was developed by a panel of pediatric and adult stroke experts to fill the current needs to improve the management of childhood stroke, will also be added to the global BlueCloud Education Network," stated Exuperio Díez Tejedor, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Neurology and Stroke Centre at La Paz University Hospital, Coordinator of the Neurosciences Area and Director of the Neurology and Cerebrovascular Diseases Research Group at IdiPAZ, President of the Spanish Society of Neurology. 

"We are very excited about this collaboration with such a prestigious organization. This collaboration will continue to expand BlueCloud’s global blueprint with dozens of independent and institutional members to further streamline the delivery, distribution and implementation (DDI™) of initiatives in developed and underdeveloped countries – Stated Al O. Pacino - President and Co-Founder of BlueCloud by HealthCarePoint. We continue to prove that when stakeholders place collaborations into practice, to focus on patients first, we can modernize systems and ultimately save more lives, time and resources. The effectiveness and outcomes of the distribution of standardized processes incentivizes culture change and modernizes the establishment by embracing real-time connectivity as a method of increasing access to quality care and getting drugs and medical devices to market faster.

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