TLO madri+d

TLO madri+d

La Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d ha puesto en marcha la iniciativa Technology Licensing Office (TLO madri+d) para facilitar la transferencia y resultados de investigación al mercado para la comercialización de patentes y tecnología.

Technology Based Entrepreneurs

Since 1998, the madri+d Technology Based Entrepreneurship Area has been promoting entrepreneurial culture and supporting the creation of quality teams and the consolidation of new science-technology-based companies, in collaboration with university, research and business institutions of the Community of Madrid.

EEN 2017-2018


Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is an initiative promoted by the European Commission from the SME Executive Agency (EASME) with the aim of providing support and advice to small and medium-sized enterprises, promoting their growth, internationalization and job creation. It is also aimed at large companies, technology centers and universities.