#11F. A conversation with women researchers: how to make your way in science

Full capacity


Miércoles 8 de febrero a las 11:30 h.

Actividad online

On the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science, IMDEA Networks has organized an event in which, through a dialogue, the attendees will be able to learn in detail about the professional and personal experiences of the participating researchers. Their examples will serve to motivate the participants to pursue scientific careers and inspire new generations to build a more equitable society. In addition, we would reflect on the obstacles faced by women researchers and whether the context is currently improving, trends among students' choices in STEM careers and measures that are being taken by universities and research centers to promote gender equality in science. Speakers 1. Livia Elena Chatzieleftheriou, Post-Doc Researcher at IMDEA Networks. 2. Dayrene Frómeta, PhD Student at IMDEA Networks. 3. Prudence Wong, Professor at University of Liverpool. 4. Rosa Elvira Lillo, Director of IBiDAT (UC3M). 5. María Serna, Professor at UPC (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya). Moderator: Marta Dorado, Communication Manager at IMDEA Networks. The event will be held online through Zoom Wednesday, February 8th from 11:30 to 13:00h. If you want to attend, please register here for free: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/a-conversation-with-women-researchers-how-to-make-your-way-in-science-tickets-522515226107
