#11F A female neuroscientist back at IES Ramón y Cajal

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Lunes 13 de febrero a las 10:30h

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As part of the activities of the 'Researchers at Schools' programme, the Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d organizes a meeting at the IES Ramón y Cajal with the neuroscientist and former student, Lucía Vaquero Zamora, to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023. With an extensive professional career, Lucía Vaquero Zamora, today, benefits from a second European grant from the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions for her postdoctoral research. The activity will consist of two experiments carried out by students of the high-school, followed by a dialogue on scientific careers and vocations for girls and women in science. The event will be broadcasted live on the madri+d YouTube channel
