CISA/INIA-CSIC | Epidemics and Pandemics: become the most dangerous virus

Full capacity


Viernes 30 de septiembre a las 11:00h

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Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, we have heard news that tried to explain how the epidemic was spreading and what its capacity to infect the population was. R0, incidence, vaccination rate... these were some of the most used terms, but do you know what they mean? Can the danger of a virus be measured? What does it depend on? Will there be viruses more dangerous than the coronavirus? In the 21st century we have already suffered other epidemics that, although not as serious as the coronavirus, indicate that we must be alert to the emergence of new viruses that can cause a pandemic. Some examples are influenza A-H1N1, caused by a combination of viruses from pigs, birds and humans; Ebola in Africa, caused by a virus of animal origin; or viruses transmitted by mosquitoes or ticks such as dengue and Crimea Congo hemorrhagic fever. In this workshop we will learn to calculate the propagation capacity of a virus through dynamic games in teams that will compete to become the most dangerous virus and to know and quantify the basic epidemiological parameters: pathogen/media/host trinomial, infection rate and effect of vaccination.