The Enlightened Science

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Viernes 23 de septiembre de 10h a 12h

La Casa Encendida


We warm up engines for the most scientific Night of the year: under the umbrella of the 13th. European Researchers Night, the CSIC centres at UAM campus go to the Enlightened House with a pre-event where actual researchers will run scientific outreach demos, together with a gymkhana around the female Nobel scientists. Students from 5th Primary grade to Bachelor will enjoy scientific demonstrations on Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science, developed by researchers with the expertise on the subject. All demos will be adapted to the age and knowledge of the students. To end with, they will enjoy playing a gymkhana about the female Nobel scientists, where they will learn about their life and scientific contributions, also rescuing from oblivion some great women scientists whose contributions were not properly recognized. There will science, amusement, and prizes!