Literary translation workshop: ODS, Women and Francophonie.

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With the arrival of the new millennium, Francophone literature in Europe is undergoing a paradigm shift that highlights the relevance of the phenomena of population migration and its influence on social evolution and, as a consequence, the emergence of new national aesthetic canons that promote interculturality. In this context, the literary contribution of a corpus of migrant writers who choose France as a host land and French as a vehicle of literary expression to express the transnational and cross-border experience from an autofictional prism stands out. In addition, these authors reflect in their works reflections inherent to current problems such as climate change and the construction of inclusive, supportive and sustainable societies. For this reason, the literary translation workshop that we propose here responds to the desire to reflect on SDG 14, focused on the conservation and use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, and SDG 5, which advocates for gender equality and the empowerment of women, specifically, being able to address other Sustainable Development Goals in a transversal manner. For this, we will carry out a theoretical and methodological contextualization and we will focus the activity on a collaborative work by the participating UAM students. Thus, this proposal highlights the institutional commitment of the ELITE Research Group (Plurilingualism and Transcultural Literature in Europe) of the UAM (Ref. HUM-F-065), of the R&D Research Project “Voces y Literary views on women: building an inclusive European society” (ref.: PID 2019-104520GB-I00) and the Project “Autofiction, commitment and identity: women's voices in the Francophone xenographies of l'extrême contemporain” of the I+ call D+i for Young Doctors of the CM_2021 (ref.: SI3/PJI/2021-00521) in which this proposal is framed.
