UAM | Quiz: Dare to think

Places availables


Viernes 30 de septiembre de 17h a 21h.

Patio Interior del Edificio Plaza Mayor

Visitors are invited to participate in a quiz-type game in which the questions would have to do with some surprising or unknown aspect of the following topics: Option 1: 'The invisible side of the Earth' Option 2: ‘Earth’s place in the universe’ The fun game is played individually or in groups with the option of a single answer. The screen will display a series of questions (30), each with three options, and the participant will have a few seconds to select the response. Once selected, it will be displayed in red or green if you were successful. Afterwards, a brief explanation of the correct answer will be displayed. In addition, the researchers present will complement the information given and will be able to respond in situ to the questions of the participants and talk with them. In this way, a dialogue can be established between the researchers of the Institute of Theoretical Physics and the visitors to the stand, directly approaching science from their hands.
