UAM | The green chemistry of nanomaterials

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Viernes 30 de septiembre de 17h a 21h.

Plaza Mayor de la UAM. Campus de Cantoblanco.

In recent years, environmental problems have progressively advanced. Climate change, pollution of the air and water resources, erosion, deforestation, the decline of biodiversity and the deterioration of the ozone layer, among others, affect the quality of life of the inhabitants of the planet and the integrity of its natural heritage. A large part of these problems have been generated by chemical processes, by the indiscriminate use of natural resources and by the inadequate management of industrial, agricultural and domestic waste. This enormous deterioration of the environment has led to the need to seek alternatives that lead to environmental sustainability. Consequently, a set of actions has emerged aimed at reducing environmental degradation, called "green chemistry". It is a concept that contemplates the design of products and processes that reduce the generation and use of hazardous substances and maximize efficiency in the use of material and energy resources. Specifically, green chemistry is the "use of chemistry for the prevention of pollution, and the design of chemical products and processes beneficial to the environment". Currently, one of the processes that would be interesting to implement based on green chemistry is the synthesis of nanomaterials, such as carbon nanodots (CNDs), since these have emerged as a new class of fluorescent nanomaterials with numerous applications in different areas of chemistry, biology, medicine... In the group of chemical sensors and biosensors, a new methodology has been developed that allows obtaining these nanomaterials, so valuable due to their numerous applications, using natural products and procedures that respect the environment. In the proposed activity we will carry out the synthesis of nanomaterials from food using "green chemistry". Specifically, we will synthesize carbon nanodots using a homemade microwave and grape juice and horchata as precursors. As can be deduced, it is a process that is totally compatible with the environment and very easy to prepare.
