UAM | Elimination of contaminants from water through advanced oxidation processes.

Places availables


Viernes 30 de septiembre de 17h a 21h.

Campus de Cantoblanco. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

The activity that will be developed is focused on teaching in a visual and practical way the treatment of water for its decontamination through an advanced oxidation process, of which the group has extensive experience. The elimination reaction of a colorant will be carried out repeatedly, which will decrease the intensity of its color as it degrades. To do this, there will be some utensils commonly used in the laboratory (bottles, magnetic plate, spatulas, etc.) and samples of different catalysts, both powdered and structured, with the aim that visitors have a better understanding of them. and its important action for the elimination of pollutants. After the experiment, a sample of a bioindicator will be shown to highlight the non-toxicity after water treatment.
