UAM | Comunidades de vecinos más verdes: mejora energética y cuidado del entorno

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Viernes 30 de septiembre 17 a 21 horas

Edifio Plaza Mayor UAM

This activity seeks to make attendees aware that the majorities required in current legislation to carry out energy improvement works, installation of electric car recharging points and adaptation of energy sources in the homeowners' associations are very easy to achieve. comply. The legislator has wanted to promote this type of works in the communities of owners, greatly reducing the majorities necessary for its adoption. Likewise, it seeks to apply rules on decision-making related to noise emissions in the communities (and the possibility of exercising the community action of cessation against annoying neighbors), accessibility works in the community of neighbors, planting of trees, installation and filling of the community pool, fumigation systems, installation of different planting and irrigation techniques and the possibility of reusing water for irrigation, substitution of resources such as coal and gas for other energy sources and substitution of the type of light bulbs and the type of ignition. However, relations between neighbors in a community are not always easy. That is why we want to propose a role and chance game that allows the people attending to play the role of neighbor and president depending on whether or not agreements of this type have been previously adopted in that community. Attendees will carry out a series of educational games through an explanatory poster in a language understandable by any citizen. A physical game will be played, using colored post-its, in which each participant plays the role of neighbors and/or president of the community. The themes will be the following: 1); How to take care of the planet together with your neighbors? It is a question-answer game, of the quiz type; 2) What majorities are necessary to make decisions that affect the planet in the community of neighbors? We will design a role-playing game.
