IMDEA Agua | The aquatic microworld

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Viernes 30 de septiembre. 2 turnos: de 18:30-19:00 y de 20:00-20:30.

Instituto IMDEA Agua

This workshop aims to familiarize the public with the microorganisms that live in the environment and more specifically in the water. The workshop will consist of showing that there are many living beings that we cannot see with the naked eye. They will be taught how we isolate them, what they eat and which of their characteristics are used to distinguish them, for example fluorescence under UV light. And as a final test… we will find bacteria on the hands of the participants!! This action is partially financed through the agreement between the Community of Madrid (Regional Board of Education, Universities, Science and Spokesperson´s Office) and the IMDEA Water Foundation for the direct granting of a grant of 1,135,000.00 euros to finance the performance of actions in the field of research on SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease financed with REACT-EU resources from the European Regional Development Fund.
