IMDEA Agua | Antibiotic resistance: from environment to laboratory

Places availables


Viernes 30 de septiembre, de 18 a 21 h.

Instituto IMDEA Agua

In this activity people will be able to see the all the necessary material and the process from the isolation of a microorganism from the environment, such as water and soil, to how we can study if this microorganism is resistant to different antibiotics. People will be able to see techniques based on the cultivation and growth of microorganisms as well as new techniques, based on molecular biology, for detection and identification of the microorganisms, such as PCR. It is not necessary to make a previous reservation. Go directly to the IMDEA Agua building on the day of the activity. Action partially funded by Comunidad de Madrid and the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Union “A way of making Europe”, funded as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This action is partially financed through the agreement between the Community of Madrid (Regional Board of Education, Universities, Science and Spokesperson´s Office) and the IMDEA Water Foundation for the direct granting of a grant of 1,135,000.00 euros to finance the performance of actions in the field of research on SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease financed with REACT-EU resources from the European Regional Development Fund.
