IMDEA Materials - A day at IMDEA Materials

Full capacity


Lunes 9 de mayo de 2022 a las 10:00 h.

Instituto IMDEA Materiales

Approximately 20 students from the 2nd year of the UC3M Aerospace Engineering ETS visited the IMDEA Materials facilities for a few hours. They are welcomed by the director of the centre, José Manuel Torralba, who introduces them to the institute and indicates that this activity is part of the activities held within the framework of this year's edition of the European Researchers' Night in Madrid. After this presentation, the students are taken to various departments and laboratories where some of the main projects on which the Institute's researchers are working are explained to them. The visit ends with a talk in which a postdoctoral researcher tells them first-hand about his experience in the world of science in general, and in the "world of IMDEA in particular".
