UC3M | What do you know about 5G?

Places availables


Viernes 24 de 18:00 a 19:00h

Actividad online

The fifth generation of mobile communications, 5G, is being deployed in our country by the most important operators. However, there is some misinformation and possibly false expectations about what 5G is and can provide us with. This online activity begins with a sharing of what attendees know about 5G to highlight those doubts that are most frequent among them. Next, the researchers of the European TeamUp5G project will provide information so that the attendees themselves can answer and jointly acquire a greater knowledge of the subject. The explanations will be accompanied by presentations and videos with demonstrations of the most important concepts. The activity ends with a discussion or sharing of all participants about their experience and expectations about 5G.

Reservation required
starting septembre 13 at 09:00
