UAM Science in Casa de Fieras: Creativity in genius and ordinary people: What do you have in commo

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JUEVES 24 de junio de 2021 19:00h

Biblioteca Pública Eugenio Trías. Casa de Fieras. Parque del Retiro.

Is creativity a quality that adorns a select few chosen by the muses or by genes? Could any of us get to get a Nobel, the Cervantes or be valued in their area of ​​work by experts as a great innovator? How do you make a genie? Manuela Romo answers those questions. The scientific study of creativity encourages us to be optimistic. Without revealing the content of the conference here, we postulate that yes: “Yes, we can”. And from here on we will unravel all that we have in common with Leonardo da Vinci and that has been defined as the seven components of creativity: psychological factors and social conditioning factors through which we will unveil the mystery of genius and learn how to conjure up the muses (not an easy task, by the way, since they prefer to rest on Olympus to heed the call of humans ...). Manuela Romo is professor at the UAM School of Psychology. She has focused her research activity on the Psychology of Creativity, working in areas as diverse as children's creativity and how to evaluate it, the relationships between artistic and scientific creativity or the limitations to the development of creativity in women, among others and that have given rise to to numerous publications, his most recent book being: Psychology of Creativity: Contemporary Perspectives (Paidós 2019). She is the director of an Expert in Applied Creativity degree at the UAM.

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starting septembre 13 at 09:00