The Spanish community involved in the CMS experiment (Compact Muon Solenoid) at the LHC accelerator (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics) comes together to celebrate the European Researchers' Night with a live virtual visit to one of the the largest experiments ever built.
Simultaneously, CIEMAT in Madrid, Oviedo University and IFCA in Santander will connect to the control room of the CMS experiment, one of the four large detectors at CERN designed to study the proton collisions produced by the LHC collider.
The virtual tour will begin at 6:30 p.m. Several CMS members will show us the CMS control room located in Cessy, a small French town between the Jura Massif and the French-Swiss border. We will then descend 100 meters underground, where the 27-kilometer ring of the LHC is located, and enter the huge underground cavern where the CMS detector sits, a gigantic underground experiment whose weight exceeds that of the Eiffel Tower, and from there we will tell you about the great adventure of detecting and studying particle collisions.
Reservation required starting november 16 at 09:00