Giving water a second life

Giving water a second life

On 14th December, the Spanish embassy in Brussels hosted the final conference of the iMETland project (A new generation of Microbial Electrochemical Wetland for effective decentralized wastewater treatment). 

This project, funded with almost €3 million by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, developed an innovative system to purify sewage water from small communities using bacteria that produce electricity when breaking down organic waste. iMETland tackles the challenges of decentralised waste water treatment through innovative sustainable solutions that are cost and energy efficient. The depuration of the effluent is good for the environment and allows for water reuse in irrigation. iMETland creates ‘’a virtuous circle among water, energy, ICT and land resources, safeguarding local environment’’ contributing to circular economy.

The project coordinator and other beneficiaries showed how iMETland "gives water a second life" and how this new technology has been successfully tested in full scale and now market-ready through demonstration sites in Denmark, Spain, Argentina and Mexico. 


The projects results did not stop in the laboratory: iMETland attracted commercial interest from all over the world. Requests for information and interest for the technology came from - among others - USA, Australia, Mexico, Chile, India, Ethiopia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia and a number of European countries.

The technology is ready to reach the market through "METfilter", a start-up company founded by the project for this purpose.

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